Get more done with Radarist.

Clean and simple solo project management for busy people.

Clean and simple UI

No clutter or extra “features” meant to make you feel overwhelmed—just the essentials.

Light & dark mode

Pick light or dark based upon your preference—and switch as often as you like.

No app needed

Radarist is web-based which means no extra bloated app to slow you down—just run in your browser of choice.

Lightning fast

Built from the ground up to be light and snappy so you can stay focused on getting more done.

Powerful search

Easy access all your spaces, projects, and tasks in a matter of seconds.

Project templates

Create easily-reusable project templates to save massive time.

Easy to learn

Create easily-reusable project templates to save massive time.

Quick capture

Never forget another task by instantly capturing them to either complete upon review, or file for later.
Manage projects and tasks

Stay focused on what‘s important

Focus is the hallmark of a productive workflow. That’s why Radarist cuts through the clutter to help you focus on exactly what you need to do next—while not losing sight of larger projects and goals.
Stay focused on what‘s important

Take small steps

Split bigger projects and goals into smaller, bite-sized actions you’re actually likely to complete.

Spaces to organize projects

Contain projects into “Spaces” to focus on specific areas of your life and work.

Due dates made useful

Projects and tasks “flash” on your radar to help draw attention to upcoming deadlines.


Optionally allow projects to “auto sort” based upon how recently a task was completed within them.
Keep projects moving forward

Never let another project fall through the cracks

We’ve all heard the phrase “falling through the cracks” or something “slipping off the radar.” With Radarist’s simple, birds-eye Radar view on the front page, it’s simple to switch between focusing on what needs to be done now and what you to prioritize next. All without feeling the dread of not knowing if there are any languishing projects. Just a simple scroll down the page and you can see everything active or waiting.
Never let another project fall through the cracks

See what needs action

A dedicated section that showcases projects that have no tasks—so you can add tasks if needed.

Know what you’re waiting on

No clutter of needless tags and folders—simply add a status to instantly know why a project is sitting.

View a project’s time inactive

See at a glance how long since a project has had action taken to know if it needs some TLC.

Follow what’s been done

View a trail of completed tasks to see your progress toward completing a project.
Capture important tasks

Out of your head and on to your radar

Have you ever remembered something you need to do only to forget it shortly thereafter? Radarist makes this a thing of the past by making it simple to capture tasks you need to complete and either do them quickly—or file them for later (in a way that doesn’t let them fade into oblivion).
Out of your head and on to your radar

An inbox that’s easy to keep clean

Unlike Email, Radarist’s inbox is prominent until empty after which it disappears.

Do now, or sort for later

Either complete an Inbox, or move it to a project. A simple and fast process so you can get back to work.
Unlock all the features

Super simple pricing.

No long term contracts—cancel any time.

$99 /year
  • Unlimited tasks
  • Unlimited projects
  • Unlimited spaces
  • Unlimited templates
Promo code BLACKFRIDAY auto applied
30-day money back guarantee.

For just $99 a year you can get...

We’ve all done it: you sign up for a new streaming service to watch a couple of shows and then forget it exists. Why not track down and cancel one of the ones you’re no longer using and start knocking some of those projects off your todo list.
Yet another
Streaming Service
More done with
Radarist PRO

The idea behind Radarist

I feel like I’ve tried just about every “todo” or productivity app under the sun. What I’ve always found crazy while using them is the sheer number of tutorials you’ll find on “how to create a productivity system” using all these apps.

This always led me to wonder: if these were “productivity” tools, why do you have to “invent” (or learn from one of the smart people on YouTube) how to actually become more productive with them? Shouldn’t they do that automatically?

This resulted in me always wasting more time than I was saving while using these apps and tools.

This has led me down the road of planners and notecards (yes I even designed my own set of those) which were great because they actually had a tactile, simple methodology I could use—however—they lacked any sort of automation.

Pen and paper has its benefits, but the downside of course is that it’s as manual as you can possibly get.

It was this that led me to create Radarist.

In essence, I blended the super simple methodology from the planners and notecards I’ve used with a clean and easy-to-use digital UI.

Finally there’s a “productivity” tool that helps you get more done—rather than one with a plethora of tools that require you to figure out how they’ll make you productive.

I’m just a solo dev who made this to help managing the various areas of my work and life—hopefully you find it useful as well!

Thomas McGee

Thomas McGee